
Monday 21 May 2012

Solar Eclipse in New Moon ~ Set Your Communication Intensions

Recently I have committed to a new morning routine ~ One that involves waking before sunrise (and the 4 year old), throwing on a pair of runners and heading for my stunning local head land walk. There i find the company of wild wallabies & chirpy birds, majestic view's of the ocean & misty mountain peaks,  a proud lighthouse on a lone island out at sea and of course the divine sunrise splashing the sky with hues of pink & burnt orange light...

This morning ritual has involved some sacrifice on my part ~ for example: That one last glass of red wine, an hour or two of extra child free time in the evening and sometimes even a clean kitchen in the morning! But the rewards have all been well worth it!

Yesterday morning i was blessed enough to make it out there during this very special (and slightly intense) astrological moment of the rare Solar Eclipse in the New Moon phase of Gemini!
This spells major focus on our communication styles and what types of communications come into our lives & how we deal with them ~ Did I make my intentions for communicating my truth with clarity & integrity during this time? Did I ask for divine guidance to help me do this?
You bet i did ~ Here's Why....

I came across this fabulous Astrological interpretation of the energies around us during the next month or so from "Astrology Goddess" Enjoy :)

"New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Gemini: 20th May 11.58pm UT,21st May 9.58 am AEDT.
The eclipse that occurs tomorrow is in the sign of Gemini. As most of us know,Gemini rules communication,and with Venus retrograde also in the sign of the twins,the current energies are encouraging us to speak from the heart-not only opening up the line for honest communication with others,but also honest communication with ourselves. As I mentioned earlier in the week,the retrograde phase of Venus,is helping to break down the barriers that stop us from receiving love(self or other),and also shows us where superficial interactions are at play in our life. Remember that Venus rules Taurus and Libra,so it can become a pattern to live a double life of maintaining the status quo and upholding a particular image,while feeling empty and unfulfilled because your needs aren't being met. If you only show the parts of yourself that you deem acceptable you will never feel whole.
The eclipse is a time of new beginnings, and if you honestly don't have a clue as to what areas of your life are being affected,you will over the coming weeks. In ancient Astrology eclipses were feared as times of massive upheaval and impending doom, and filled people with a sense of dread. While eclipse energy does usher in change,and can be dramatic-depending on your situation,it does give us the opportunity to get the energy moving where there has been stagnation. They are really not to be feared as they will bring change in where change is needed...and if you are honest with yourself,you will know that this has been building up for quite some time. There can be no putting of the inevitable,the writing is on the wall. It is up to us to make decisions around situations where we are unhappy,stagnating,wounded,unfulfilled and passionless.
You do not have to give everything up- I am only talking about areas of your life that have been madly waving their hand at you for your attention-you know deep down where these are. Since Gemini is the sign of thinking and talking,start the ball rolling by making a list of all of those things that are bothering you or that you would like to see come to fruition. Externalising something-even just onto paper-can bring more clarity around the situation.
The eclipse will only exacerbate the already potent effects of the Venus retrograde, and will help you reveal parts of yourself that you normally wouldn't, and speak your truth. New information will come to your attention either through a massive inner realisation,or outside of you-either way the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together. Chiron and Mars(although wide)are connected with the eclipse energy and will offer us the opportunity to tap into old wounds and make a conscious effort to deal with them. We are all being called into question in regards to our beliefs and patterning, and the more we can see what's real and what isn't,the more we can release what no longer works for us and come into alignment with ourselves. The more we can make a commitment to healing ourselves,the more this will be felt on an evolutionary level. Neptune also forms an aspect to the new moon/eclipse,and helps us cut through illusions and lies. You can keep yourself in a delusional way of being and living,but at some point you will be challenged to see the truth of all situations. As there may be conflict between the intuition(Neptune),and the mind(Gemini),it's important to utilise both before making any major decisions.
The North Node in Saggy asks you what your dreams are,and how it is that you might start walking a path that is right for you,while Jupiter's foray into Gemini on June 13th lets us know that there are many new doorways of opportunity opening up for us.When Jupiter does move into Gemini,he will trigger the degree of tomorrows eclipse,so even if you don't experience anything now,you will come June. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, and will definitely shine a light on all areas of your life that are crying out for change. Jupiter brings optimism and positivity, and wants to make sure that all loose ends are tied up before so that we can make the most of his opportunistic energy. You will find that during this time,you will have more than one option open to you in regards to most things. This New Moon/Eclipse will helps us improve our communication skills,and also help us to understand the differing opinions of others. You will find that your social life increases, as will your mental interactions with others. Short trips and the start of study are real possibilities here, as is anything to do with neighbours and siblings. Mental clarity can be yours,but just mkae sure that not over analysing situations-always balance the intellect with your gut instinct. What are your hopes,what are your dreams. Write them down and speak them to the universe. The eclipse gives the new moon a turbo like energy,so start planting those seeds now! Be true to yourself, and honour all parts of you. While the twin energy can be many different things to many different people,it's the acknowledgement of all of those aspects of self that will return you to wholeness and merge the sometimes segregated energy of Gemini. 
Be who you are,love who you are-you have a voice,so learn to use it! )O( "

May Blessing's of Healing Light shine on each & all of our communications & life changes at this time,
Be Well...
Rachael :)

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